Having a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is essential for any company conducting financial transactions worldwide.
LEIs are unique 20-character identifiers assigned to legal entities that engage in financial transactions or enter into contracts – so in practice, almost any company, public sector, or third sector organisation. It’s a global standard, designed to identify legal entities involved in financial and other corporate transactions of value.
We’re one of the world’s first issuers of SSL certificates using the LEI as part of the certificate’s key generation, which speeds up your certificate’s issuance.
Now you can save time and money by purchasing your LEI with our gold-standard EV SSL certificate included, to ensure that trust is at the heart of your business.
Having a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is essential for any company conducting financial transactions worldwide.
LEIs are unique 20-character identifiers assigned to legal entities that engage in financial transactions or enter into contracts – so in practice, almost any company, public sector, or third sector organisation. It’s a global standard, designed to identify legal entities involved in financial and other corporate transactions of value.
We’re one of the world’s first issuers of SSL certificates using the LEI as part of the certificate’s key generation, which speeds up your certificate’s issuance.
Now you can save time and money by purchasing your LEI with our gold-standard EV SSL certificate included, to ensure that trust is at the heart of your business.
What is an LEI number?
LEIs are unique 20-character identifiers assigned to legal entities that engage in financial transactions or enter into contracts. It’s a global standard, designed to identify legal entities involved in financial and other corporate transactions of value.
Who needs an LEI number?
Having a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is essential for any company conducting financial transactions worldwide – so in practice, almost any company, public sector, or third sector organisation.
Do LEI numbers need to be renewed?
LEIs typically must be renewed annually. Trustify is one of the only LEI providers who offer an LEI number for up to a 5-year term, saving you both money and time in eliminating renewals.
Benefits of having LEI & SSL
Trustify’s innovative SSL certificates are one of the first to incorporate the LEI to both provide more security and act as an extra layer of trust & authentication.
Having LEIs built-in allows for much faster issuing of SSLs – from up to 6 weeks to minutes – as all the vetting has already been done.
How to do an LEI number search
LEIs can be found on the Global LEI Index. Check out the Trustify LEI data: 984500A0E365VCF6DF25.
We provide products for start-ups and smaller accountants, insurers and retailers, medium-sized law firms and financial services companies, for schools and biotechs.
We’re trusted to solve cyber-security for major organisations across the public, insurance, financial services, legal, pharmaceutical and accountancy sectors.
Doddie Weir (1970-2022)